Why the first kilos of a diet are “wrong” weight strength training just as a diet a must! “Why at the most diets just the first kilos wrong” kilos are and you still rejoices! Make however, once looking, where these kilos are coming, so some people will be surprised. Because fat is hardly a trace in the first seemingly lost kilos! Driving it down to a few kilos to remove the daily calorie intake, so most people of less carbohydrates and proteins to take. “Result: the carbohydrates stored in the form of glycogen in the muscles and liver are mined” or used up. Now, considering that you can store glycogen in the muscles and liver total approx. 400 600 grams and carbs 4 grams of water are bound by each gram, it is no wonder that man just in the first days of a diet this is losing glycogen plus the fact-bound water (approx. If you would like to know more about CEO of Ford , then click here. 2000 kg) approx.
500 grams. So the first 2.5 are slim 3 kg very quickly. Fat loss is however still not here the speech. Since carbohydrates and Eiweise much easier can be deployed to provide energy as fat, the fat going once where they are and the body begins to remove the Eiweise from the musculature in strength training absence of and inadequate Eiweiszufuhr. Result: Loss of muscle mass. Because can burn fat but only in the muscle cell is instructed but just a diet on a large muscle mass. To train his muscles not through targeted strength training and the daily Eiweiszufuhr is consistently low, muscle mass necessary to the fat-burning is dwindling. A huge side own goal so! Through targeted strength training, so prevent the degradation process of muscles and promotes fat burning in this! The best you can create from a personal trainer in your area via a strength training suitable for and a personalized nutrition plan. Under you can inform about your needs and personal trainer in your area for free. With friendly Greet professional fitness – team