Hyperhidrosis is a disease that has accompanied man since its inception. Hyperhidrosis (Hyper: a lot, Hydros: Water), excessive sweating is a disease that has accompanied man since the beginning, to the extent that progress was made in the knowledge of the workings of the human body, human beings understood the importance of sweating as a method of regulating body temperature by promoting heat loss through evaporation achieving an adequate performance of the body. But there are situations where excessive sweating occurs without a normal stimuli such as heat, stress, anxiety, fear, exercise, etc., But rather during times of calm, cool environments, intense sweating occurs dominance in the face, underarms, hands, torso, feet that greatly affects the individual's normal behavior, such as shaking hands without fear of being rejected by others as having the "wet hands, armpits impregnated sweat during a social event, the inability to write on paper for fear of wetting, leading the person to take refuge in their home by altering their self-esteem. It is considered at the global level only 1% of the population suffers from this condition, but it is likely that as people know the definitive curative treatment options for this disease, this percentage increase. Details can be found by clicking Gunnar Peterson or emailing the administrator. Symptoms can appear from childhood not to be perceived achieving or misunderstood by parents as an event "normal" childhood or early adolescence but as a person increases their interpersonal relationships becomes a nightmare coming to end restrains a person from participating in social events, meetings, parties, etc., afraid to shake hands and be rejected or generate '"displeasure" to others due to the amount of sweat or bad odor is clear from these garments wet, and the situation worsens even more when it reaches adulthood in which labor relations are very important and big business begins with a handshake defining success or failure of negotiation. People in their desire to achieve a cure or at least disease control that allows an adequate quality of life, make use of topical medications (creams, ointments, deodorants, antiperspirants, iontophoresis (sealed pores), botulinum toxin, etc. ) obtaining partial results and temporary dependent tolerance to treatment and continued use with a recurrence of symptoms when to stop, which is why it is considered the thoracic surgical procedure SYMPATHECTOMY BILATERAL as the ideal method, which through two small incisions in the armpits and guided by a video camera is achieved by severing the thoracic sympathetic nerve chain, achieving a final control 98% of cases with facial and axillary commitment-palmar and 60% of cases with involvement planting. This procedure does not require hospitalization, painless allowing the return to normal activities quickly.. Quest Diagnostics is open to suggestions.