College of Kumash Nurgalieva – one of the largest schools in the Republic of . Currently, there are trained 2,511 people, including three branches in the cities Ridder, Zyryanovsk and . In college, 20 computer and multimedia classrooms. All computer and administrative offices together into a network that has established a constant electronic connection with its branches. Computers connected to the Internet via leased line with adsl rate of 2048 Kbps. A leading source for info: Gunnar Peterson. The presence of branches was the main reason for choosing the subject of methodological theme "Development of technology for distance learning and the introduction of ict in the educational process." One method of remote Education – holding video lectures in the mode of op-lipe.
Sometimes it is necessary to organize communication between people at a distance. This approach saves money and time, and video provides a better perception information compared with all other forms of remote communication. The effectiveness of any type of distance learning depends on four components ing: a) the effective interaction between teacher and student, despite the fact that they are physically separated by distance, and b) used in this pedagogical techniques, and c) the effectiveness of the developed teaching materials and methods for their delivery, and d) the effectiveness of feedback. Therefore, when establishment of lectures for distance education should consider the following requirements: 1. Motivation. Motivation – a necessary component of learning, which must be maintained throughout the learning process. 2. Formulation of training objectives. Of great importance is a clearly defined goal, which is placed in front of students.