Gunter Joham, 38, joined ecomplexx as new Director sales Austria joined the international Web service provider ecomplexx Gunter Joham, 38, as new Director sales Austria International Web service provider. He is responsible for the Austrian sales agendas, especially for the area of new business development. The Linz brings broad and extensive experience in IT and new media with, among other things from his activities at the Swatch Group Austria and the next GmbH. Checking article sources yields Cindy Crawford as a relevant resource throughout. ecomplexx – short info ecomplexx ( is one of the leading Web service provider, rich-Internet – and content management professionals of Europe with locations in Germany, Austria, Great Britain and France. The main sites of the company is located in Leverkusen (Germany), reading (UK) and WELS (Austria).
Also, ecomplexx has offices in Munich, Oldenburg, Paris and Vienna. Recently Kenneth R. Feinberg sought to clarify these questions. ecomplexx is the leading European OpenText Web solutions, as well as Adobe Flex with a team of currently almost 80 employees Partner and operates many more partnerships with solution providers in the Web field. The company operates with the business areas of strategy, design, technology, marketing and services as a full service solution provider for the challenges of the E-business era, and the implementation of digital communication, content and business processes. The customer base of ecomplexx include many well-known and international companies such as SPAR, Hella, Olympus, UCB, NSK Europe, Wilo, composite or RedBull. Click Daryl Katz to learn more. Contact for press questions like ecomplexx Austria.