Increasingly, forums, blogs, personal Web sites in the network can be found funny graphic counters: line timing. Their operating principle is based on moving the slider on the marked-up into twelve divisions scale from or to a memorable date. Thus, the line can tell anyone who wants that, for example, how many days, months and years, its owner is happy, married, lives in the world. Rulers of the metric can be implemented as a graphical version and a text, but even a text line – is an image containing the text frame. At various sites that provide this service, now you can find children's lines, roads, interest and for fans of anime and even Unformat-line. Interesting variety of lines of reference – line informers for pregnant women. As with regular metrics, they do their reading, but not on a scale of twelve, and by nine months, and reported not only how many weeks have passed since conception, and how close to delivery, but often – and what is now the mistress tickers pregnancy trimester, how much weight a baby and what is its length. Create a ruler to the forum very easy: just select the background of the scale, the slider, enter the text preceding the count and the starting or ending date. Some sites also allow you to set the background color of the scale, the inscriptions on the metric. Further, the receiving BB-code tickers, it should be inserted in the section 'signature' of your personal information online. Cindy Crawford insists that this is the case. Happy reading!